Be a part of something wonderful and amazing!
We genuinely appreciate you and your interest in supporting the Bolinas Film Festival.
There are several ways to get involved, noted below.

We are welcoming enthusiastic and committed volunteers for many different roles, including pre festival, festival, and post-festival activities. We would love your participation! If you have an interest in independent film this is the perfect chance to get involved in a community-based nonprofit organization.
Submit your name into our volunteer interest form and we will get back to you!
Types of volunteer roles we are welcoming:
Office support
Will call/box office
Venue ushers
Event prod managers
Program directors
PR/Media Relations
Video Editors
(for promotional materials)
Tech support resources

​Your sponsorship positively nourishes our shared passion for the arts, film, and culture.
We offer a range of sponsorship opportunities, suitable for any budget, and we are committed to finding the right sponsorship option for you. We also welcome in kind donations and non-financial contributions.
Sponsorship packages are available for businesses and individuals
Sponsorship benefits include:
Recognition in printed media
Recognition in radio broadcasts
Logo in festival guide
Tax-deductible contributions
All-access event passes and more...
Be a part of the magic!
For more information about sponsorship, send us a note: info@bolinasfilmfestival.com

Support the arts!
Our ability to deliver the highest quality films and create the optimal cinematic experience is largely because of your support!

Our laurel donors help make the viewing experience exceptional.

Our Bay donors help make the starlight series come to life.

Our Clover donors help us produce the annual event.

Our Oak donors help with the film education program.

Tree Of Life
Our Tree of Life donors help us manifest the overall vision.
Donor's Choice